Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Ahhh.. The Sun!

Besa has proven to be my daughter once again. She loves tanning in the sun, the beach and swimming. She may have looked like a whitey when first born but after some time under the sun lately her skin has changed to looking more like my skin color : )

We got back on Sunday from a beautiful trip to Lake Chelan. I had forgotten how beautiful that lake is. We went up with my parents, Elaiza, our friend Maria, her daughter Katherina and my cute little niece Elaiza and stayed in a hotel in Wenatchee.

We even managed to meet up with Nana and Dada for dinner. I’m glad they came down to Brewster BC driving to Omak with two little squirmy girls in the car would have been too much. Besa knows clearly who her family is now and is not shy to show her love.

Our goal for the remainder of the summer is to go somewhere new every weekend to make up for such a short summer.

This weekend are going camping to a place still to be determined. It will for sure have water though.

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