Thursday, July 19, 2007

Six month shots!

Besa had her 6 months shots for Tetanus, Haemophilus, Polio, and Pneumococcal.
I am the wrong person to go in with her for that. I could have eaten the nurse alive. Seeing Besa in tears like that it’s so painful to watch but 5 minutes later she forgot all about it. Unlike the 4 month shots, she did much better this time around. In pain only while in the process. After that the usual happy, smiley Besa.
As for her growth, she falls in the 90th percentile for height. Anyone surprised? She does need to catch up on her weight though and with eating solids now, hopefully she will.
Not to show off or anything but the doctor said she is pretty advanced for her age. If I leave the bottle a few feet away from her, she will roll and roll until she will get a hold of it and drink on her own. I have it on video. I’m not sure if it’s advancement or just a survival instinct.

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