Wednesday, December 12, 2007

11 Month Old! The older the busier!

Proof of being busy is lack of writing on this blog. It is good busy though. Besa is now almost walking, saying mama, drita, ( light ) gives us kisses with her mouth open though and climbs stairs like a hiker.
This week has been amazing and it must be a growth spurt because she’s eating pretty much anything we offer her, takes long naps during the day and sleeps thru the night. It such a nice phase that we know won’t be for long since we are still waiting for the teething to start. My mum has been gone one week now and our Indian’s friend mother comes to the house and takes care of her. Luckily she is the same age as my mum and just as sweet so the change was super easy. They bonded from day one.
The Holidays are here and off to shopping. The waiting lines are killing me.