Thursday, September 23, 2010

Brisan's One Year Check up!

Just for fun, I am going to compare the stats of Brisan and Besa at one year old. We all know Brisan is an eater so no surprise there. Besa was only 17 pound at one year VS little brother at 23 pounds. Weight falls at 50th percentile whereas height at 60th percentile. Not as high as I expected. Besa’s was taller in proportion with her body weight.

What has given me a scare is the size of the head which now has jumped off the chart and is concerning his Doctor. I am researching myself to death finding out about possibilities ranging from nothing, just a big headed baby to massive brain issues. Not taking any chances even though Brisan is flourishing with every aspect of growing up. We’re going in as soon as our crappy insurance authorizes the referral to Swedish. Results to be posted soon.

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