Friday, January 25, 2008

Yay! One Year Old!

As promised, my posing are getting very rare.
At least there is lot's of changes to write about. Since my last post, Besa is now walking and very eager to do it without help. We recently enrolled her for Coop Pre-School and the class we attend is only one day a week for about 2 hours. It is great at seeing her interact with other kids her age and learn how to be herself without hurting others. She gets special attention from everyone since happens to be the youngest.

The last week and half or so have been especially hard since we decided that once she reached one year old, she was ready for rules and handle us being tough. And... tough we were. First, we had to loose the pacifier which she had gotten addicted to. She would have been just fine with using for a little longer but the longer she did the harder for us. Sleep training was the hardest however. As a nonbeliever of the cry it out method, i must say that works only if consistent like with everything else in life. The tough week is over with now and she goes to sleep so much easier and sleeps through the night.

It is almost end of January and it is so nice to see the days get longer and sunnier. it takes only this little to make me stop obsessing with the idea of moving to a sunny place. If anything comes good of global worming, would be to give us California's wether.

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