Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Growth Spurt

Now that we have gotten some sleep I can post Besa’s adventures. Her adventures involved a week of growth spurt where we could not feed her often enough. Her every hour to the hour wakening may have been a combination of hunger, belly discomfort and who knows what else but we are glad the phase is over with. Even cousin Leo tried to help with landing Besa his nice swing but it did not do the trick. Rice cereal seems to be working really well.

We love taking walks to the beach. On Saturday we took a long walk, down the hill to the beach, up some 300 stairs and around the neighborhood for over 3 hours and she slept the entire time while I was sweating off some serious calories.
Ben has been doing his kite-flying thing. I can safely say to him. Go fly a kite : ) and he will actually be glad to hear it.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The 4 Month milestone

Besa is growing very symmetrically. She is on a 50th percentile for her weight, length and on a 30th percentile for her head. All of you with babies understand what they mean. She is really healthy.
The statistics at 4months: 12 pounds, 9 OZ and 24 Inches long and a major kicker.
I had dreaded taking Besa for her 4 months shots. As tough as I may seem, I melt when I see her cry. I think 4 shots in one day is a bit cruel but it’s best to get all done and over with in one screaming session.
The before and after photos say it all.

We are going to Puyallup today for my loan officer meeting and Besa comes with me as always. I am curious to see how long she will hold a grudge against me for the painful shots. Ahh… If she only knew it’s for her own good.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Testing our new toy

Here are some of our favorite photos with the new Camera. While I have not figured out all of its functions, for now Auto mode is doing just fine.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Nikon Camera D40

We will be capturing some fancy photos now with our new Nikon Camera. It replaced our Kodak digital one. Don’t ever trust Kodak for electronics.
Besa has proven to be her father’s daughter. Ben has been taking her to the beach and flies his kite while carrying Besa in a front carrier. Will be sure to post some photos.


Having the ability to become published authors we have decided to blog. Our musing will mainly consist of Besa in our lives and of course photos.
Please feel free to comment and participate.